We are our connection

We specialise in understanding groups: past, present, and future

We are an interdisciplinary network of UKRI Future Leaders Fellows and their research teams, whose expertise lies in understanding the formation of groups, collective experiences, and group behaviours across human history and around the globe. The Groups Network  is a theme-based space for dissemination and collaboration

We work on the most challenging issues: from modelling crowd responses to emergency situations or seeking to reduce reoffending rates via sport; decolonising knowledge and improving humanitarian responses; and preserving vernacular traditions or working with industry to disseminate archaeological discoveries.

The principle objective of this Plus Funds project is to bring Fellows working on areas around groups together to share methods, tools for impact, and innovation. The Groups Network is funded with Plus Funds from the Future Leaders Development Network.

Our Network

Find out about our academic disciplines, methods, and the results of our decades of research.

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